What are the purposes of drawing in a child's life?

les objectifs du dessin

Drawing is an activity that makes it possible to represent or suggest objects, characters, landscapes, ideas, feelings by graphic means. It is one of the main spontaneous activities of young children.

The development of this article will be divided into three phases, the first of which will show the objectives of drawing in the life of a child, the second on an example of tool likely to stimulate your child's creativity and the last which will talk about some tips for parents of little artists.

The goals of drawing in a child's life?

The purpose of the drawing is far from exhaustive. Nevertheless, its benefits impact many aspects of our lives. Here are some of the purposes of drawing in a child's growth:

1. Freeing children's minds

Drawing is a complex spiritual activity, and it is the most direct, free and practical way for children to express their emotions. Through drawing, they can fully express their inner emotions and their feelings towards the outside world. The drawings made by the children themselves constitute games, self-regulation and self-expression. Through these exhibits, children can experience the beauty of nature in nature and the beauty of man-made objects in society.

2. Improve sense of observation

Drawing requires close observation of things. It is only by observation that we can distinguish the difference of objects. Only by observation can we also collect a large amount of material. Broadening our horizons, enriching our imagination and developing visual and sensory activities.

3. Stimulate the child's creativity

Stimuler la créativité de l’enfant

Stimulating a child's creativity is one of the greatest goals of drawing. Indeed, drawing allows the creativity of the child to express itself fully when, the child draws, he becomes a creator in his own right. Through observation of their surroundings, they can let their imaginations and excitement run free. Moreover, courage, creativity, imagination and observation are all present in the designs.

4. Awaken the child's curiosity and knowledge

Drawing can increase children's desire for knowledge. Indeed, when one draws an image, one accumulates knowledge about this image, opening the mind to exploration of the magical mystery of the image.

So your "memory of knowledge" gets bigger and bigger. It is thanks to these accumulations that you can use your imagination to create a perfect work. With the development of technology, what we need most is creativity. In addition to knowledge, he learns to communicate better.

An example of a tool that can stimulate your child's creativity

Draw'n drop magic pens are one of the materials that can develop your children's creativity. It is a pen available in different colors, for drawing, able to stimulate the sensory development of your child. Drawing with Draw'n Drop pens is sure to arouse your children's curiosity.

Easy to use! Just take a porcelain (ceramic) spoon and draw a pattern on it using the Draw'n Drop pen. Then lower it slowly into the water and wait for it to float completely before removing the spoon. The image drawn in water will float as if alive. Your child can experience the joy of craftsmanship. Draw'n Drop pens can also stimulate your kids' imagination, creativity and exercise their hands-on ability.

Helpful Tips for Parents of Little Artists

Drawing requires special attention. For this, a few tips that will allow you and your children to quickly master the art of drawing and enjoy the process.

Use tools capable of stimulating creativity

Try different materials for creativity so that the child can decide what is most practical and interesting to draw. Pencils, markers, watercolor, gouache, wax crayons, pastels. They all behave differently on paper.

For the first drawings, choose soft pencils or colored pencils so that the child can leave a mark on the paper without strong pressure.

Drawing tool positioning

First, see if the child is holding the tool (pencil or paintbrush) correctly. The correct three-finger grip will help him master small pencils, as well as three-edged pencils. His hand should not be too tense, and the hand is fixed rigidly. Being engaged in drawing, it is important for him to have the opportunity to move freely and unhindered. This will make the strokes lighter and smoother. Pay attention to the posture of the child.

Precautions to take with children

For kids who put everything in their mouth, choose water-based markers with food coloring. And, of course, don't leave young artists alone with creative objects. When learning shapes, circle them with your baby's finger to start muscle memory. This is also helped by stencils that the child can circle with a pencil or marker.

Assist children with drawing

Remember the hand-to-hand method. Hold the baby's hand in yours, a little closer. The main thing is to do it gently, without insisting, when the child is in the mood and his grip is relaxed. Your task will be to teach the child to hold a pencil between thumb and middle finger, holding the index finger on top.

You should draw with a pencil with different pressure (touch the paper lightly for light shades and thin, light lines and press harder for bright colors and strong energetic lines). This will achieve the expressiveness of lines and images, since the line is one of the main components of drawing.

Being in a good mood

Drawing to music and in a good mood is always much more pleasant. Accompany your lessons with an interesting story about what you are drawing or a song about it. Discuss with the baby where the drawn hedgehog runs, draw a mushroom and a berry for him, lead the way for the mink. In the form of a game, children will be delighted to learn new skills.

Engage your child with relevant content. For example, scroll through picture fairy tales or comic books. They will demonstrate the drawing process in a playful way, which can then be repeated together.

Teaching your children to draw simple things

les objectifs du dessin

Organize different types of drawing: drawing from nature (talking about his daily life), drawing by choice, drawing by presentation, plot drawing and decorative drawing. The most common drawings are drawings talking about nature. Ask the child to draw himself, looking in the mirror, his favorite toy, mom, dad. Photos can also be used. Before you start drawing, discuss with your child the characteristics of the object depicted. If unusual details appear in the drawing, be sure to ask where they came from. For the development of children's creativity in drawing, you should not insist on the reliability of the image.

Avoid putting pressure on the child

Don't insist if the child doesn't want to draw. Offer him creative tasks regularly, but never force him or blackmail him with phrases from the "Until you finish drawing, you won't leave the table" series. This will not lead to a result and completely discourage the desire to draw. The child has his own vision, his own attitude towards what he draws. It is desirable to include a lot of game time in classes, to play with objects.

When drawing, pay attention to the proper use of color. You can show the impact of one color on the other or even ask him: "What is happening in this color"


The goals of drawing have a huge impact on everyone's life, especially on the development of our children. Its objective is to develop the creative sense of the child and also to contribute to personal development. Likewise, it encourages us to use methods and techniques to bring us as close as possible to reality.

"Drawing" is a particular language of young children. It is a way for children to express their inner world. It is very helpful in cultivating child's cognitive ability, observation ability, creative ability and emotion. However, we remind you that: in drawing, the process is as important, and sometimes more than the result.