What to draw with your children?

Quoi dessiner avec vos enfants ? - Drawndrop

For children, drawing is a priority activity. They most often use it to express themselves, reflect or sometimes even communicate. If you are looking for unique opportunities to have fun with your children while educating them in the process, drawing together is a great opportunity. However, do you have an idea of ​​what to draw with your children?

If the answer to this question is no, you don't have to worry. Through the content of this article, we will share with you the ideas of drawings that you can easily practice with your children.

What to draw with your kids: finishing a doodle

It's very convenient for !parents to start a doodle and let the kids finish it in seconds. It is a drawing activity which will generally only take a few minutes and which gives the child free rein to imagine, paint, draw, colour.

They have the choice to do what they want and that's what will make this parent-child learning moment even more unique. This way of drawing together is useful for all ages. A sheet and markers are sufficient as materials needed to start.

Drawing imaginary monsters together

The monster drawing gives free rein to the imagination of each participant. Everyone is therefore free to do as they see fit and this is all the more important. There is therefore no standard rule or specific form to follow.

Use layer to draw

Reproducing with tracing paper is very popular in the field of drawing and why not do it with your children? The layer will help the child to just follow the lines of the drawing to reproduce it entirely and easily. It is a drawing procedure that is sure to appeal to children, and the resulting result is no less satisfying. The useful material for how is nothing but tracing sheets and markers.

Quoi dessiner avec vos enfants

What to draw with your children: do graphic coloring

Graphic Coloring is a drawing activity your kids will definitely love. It consists of making drawings that your children will simply color.

This activity seems very simple but the children like it a lot. To do graphic coloring, several drawing ideas are possible. Any type of drawing is welcome.

3D drawing by own hand

Children like to draw when they start to understand the meaning and it's even more fun for them when it comes to drawing their own hand in 3D.

The child can draw the outline of his hand or you can do it for him and ask him to color it.

Giant Spirograph

Drawing a giant spirograph is practical and a lot of fun for children who need to do a creative activity while having fun.

Mix & Match drawing

A very fun activity that will certainly please your children. A bit complex to set up, but nothing impossible!

To start, you need a sheet to fold in three lengthwise.

Quoi dessiner avec vos enfants

Practice Zentangle with your children

Zentangle is an art whose realization requires drawing repetitive patterns according to your inspiration. It is therefore practical for children and they can adapt it to their way of seeing things. To get them to better understand the principle, take care to show them examples and you will be surprised at the creativity they could show.

Make a line each in turn

It is an activity that is practiced a lot and very appreciated by children. In addition, you can do it at any time since the children never get tired of it.

The principle is simple: everyone in turn draws a line on a sheet. The purpose will be to obtain a drawing made by several participants at the same time. It's a special time to talk with your children about anything and everything.

A sheet and markers will be enough to make the game.

Drawing on the ground

Children like to draw on the floor on a large format. Indeed, this is the perfect opportunity for them to perform any type of movement. In addition, enjoying more space, they can freely carry out this activity without disturbing each other.

All you need is roll paper and markers and everyone can let their imagination run wild.

Things to do with your kids: Decorate the windows

Another activity to brighten hearts would be to decorate the windows of your home with your children. This change of scenery will amuse them just as much as the change of support.

The ideal would be to use chalk markers to carry out this type of activity in order to facilitate later cleaning.

Inventing a comic strip

For your older children, drawing a comic book is a great idea. Children naturally like to read comics and the idea of ​​making one themselves would be welcome.


When it comes to your mind what to draw with your kids, you know what to do now.

In addition, the idea of ​​using paper to make all these drawings with your children using paper each time could disgust you. That's why at Draw'n Drop we offer you the right support for any type of drawing. With such media, you can freely draw with your children without having to worry about how to manage the paper stock.

For more drawing tips, you can visit our blog to follow our tips.